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The Biggest Home Remodeling Trends of 2023

Home Remodeling Services in Baltimore, MD

Now that things are beginning to get back to normal after 3 years of sheltering in place, wearing masks everywhere, and socially distancing, we’re ready to talk about design trends. From sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to the fusion of modern and traditional designs, 2023 promises to be a year of creativity and personalization.  Whether you’re planning a full-scale renovation or looking for smaller changes to freshen up your home, we think that this guide can introduce you to some of the trends that are set to make a statement in home remodeling and will inspire you to get started on your projects.

Top Home Remodeling Trends for 2023

Smart home automation – While home automation isn’t a new thing, the technologies around home automation are going to continue to evolve this year. Advances in smart home automation will allow us to control lights, appliances, window treatments, security systems, entertainment systems, and even our sprinkler systems, all from our phones or tablets. We may even be able to control most of these systems with voice commands.

Emotional escape rooms – With all the turmoil going on in the world today, people need a place to relax and refresh. Spare rooms are being turned into listening rooms for audiophiles or cozy libraries for avid readers.

Spa bathrooms – Luxurious bathrooms have become more affordable, and folks are eager to enjoy this space to the fullest. Accessories like radiant heated flooring, steam showers, oversized tubs, and large windows to give the illusion of being outside, have all grown in popularity and the cost of these features that were considered luxuries in the past are becoming more affordable. Another popular trend in the bathrooms is low curb showers with seating, grab bars, and a wide radius to allow for assisted maneuvering if this is ever needed.

Kitchen updates – The kitchen is that one place in a home where everyone gathers, whether to cook, have a snack, or monitor the kids while they’re doing their homework. With the trend of more than one cook operating at the same time, kitchens are larger, they may have two or more islands. Larger windows allow for more natural light to come into the kitchen, and flooring choices run the gamut of tiles, planks, vinyl, or terrazzo.

Bedrooms – Make the bedroom more than just a place to sleep. Update this space with fresh paint or wallpaper to create an accent wall on the wall behind your bed. Use a different color than the rest of the room or a neutral color that’s slightly darker than the other walls.

Laundry room – Instead of the stark, utilitarian place that laundry rooms have been in the past, there’s a trend to make these more inviting with colorful backsplashes, floating shelves, and custom lighting designs to lessen the drudgery of handling the family’s laundry.

Home offices – With the continuing trend of people working from home, home office renovations are expected to be very popular this year. This may include anything from converting an existing space or creating a new space to make the remote worker more comfortable and effective.

Outdoor living spaces – Once the weather around the country begins to warm up, experts are expecting more people to renovate or create living spaces in their back yards. Installing decks, hot tubs, grilling areas, and even full outdoor kitchens are definitely going to continue the trend for more fun outdoors.

More energy efficiency – With energy costs on the rise, coupled with inflationary pressures on our budgets, homeowners will be at the forefront in design trends. By passing the Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, the congress is making energy conserving updates more affordable to many homeowners.

Solar panels – The Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credits will also help with the installation of solar panels. The credits have increased, and the costs of the panels has dropped, giving homeowners a chance to save money every month on their energy bills.

Creating space for others – Many homeowners are creating space for tenants or vacation travelers. The additional income they can derive by updating a basement or even a guest house can offset the cost of the renovations and provide a second income stream to help with the family budget.

Open floor plans – Knocking down walls to create open and flowing spaces between the kitchen, dining, and living areas can make your home look larger and more welcoming.

Sustainable materials – For the last several years, there has been an emphasis on using sustainable materials, and that trend should continue in 2023.

Multifunctional rooms – Designers are creating rooms that can serve multiple purposes, such as a guest room doubling as a home office or a living room that can also house a home theater.

Custom storage solutions – There’s been an uptick in adding built-in shelving, closets, and cabinetry to maximize storage space and keep your belongings more organized.

Minimalist design – There’s a trend to embrace simplicity and clean lines, with a focus on decluttering and maximizing existing storage to achieve a minimalist aesthetic.

Final Words

These emerging design trends provide homeowners with a range of innovative ideas to transform their living, working, and recreational spaces. Indeed, the future of home décor is about creating unique and purposeful environments that enhance our well-being.

A&B Home Improvement has been serving the Baltimore County area as a top-rated roofing repair contractor since 1938 with a proven record of quality craftsmanship, unmatched service, and a focus on customer satisfaction. We are a family owned and operated business specializing in commercial roof repair, residential roof repair, siding, windows, additions, trim work, painting, and more. From planning and design all the way to the final touches, we work with you to achieve a quality job that you’ll be pleased with for years to come. No matter if you need an emergency roof repair or if your roof has reached the end of its life, we want our customers to feel confident with their choice of working with A&B Home Improvement. All of our projects carry a 15 year warranty, and shingles come backed by up to a 25-year-to-lifetime warranty.

If you’d like more information about the products and services we offer, visit our website, or give us a call at 410-881-6258. We look forward to helping with your home improvement needs.